目前分類:雜感 (36)

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最近真是多事之秋 每天都跌跌撞撞的過


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昨天聖誕夜去逛好市多,一方面是買聖誕節給學生的巧克力,另外也順道買了好市多的熟食牛肉捲回家,到家後先叫了我媽下來吃,然後就把牛肉捲放在烤箱裡熱,前一天開的紅酒也從冰箱拿出來回溫,後來又叫了我媽好幾次,等了老半天,烤箱的牛肉捲也熱了,我媽還是沒動靜。又叫了一次,我媽只沒好氣的回答,"要吃什麼啦?" 掃興,我正打算自己吃,我媽又從樓上叫到:"看你爸爸回來要不要吃阿?"我聽了就有氣,因為我媽是傳統的女性,什麼都以我爸為主,可是我爸回來都可能七晚八晚了,而且通常他沒有吃宵夜的習慣,我當下就很不高興,重點要弄給我媽吃,結果又牽到我爸,什麼都是以我爸為主,我真的厭惡這種模式。紅酒倒一倒,回到房間邊喝紅酒邊出隔天的小考。


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越來越頻繁地,厭倦餐桌上無意義的對話,厭倦矯飾、計算,對別人的品頭論足。厭倦吆喝別人盡其本分,如果要混,混到地獄裡去好了!關我屁事!!回到家後,我啜著紅酒,廳著拉圖指揮的西貝流士,雖未完全沈浸在音樂的世界中,但已是一種逸逃。看完了柯慈的「屈辱」,如同譯者,我亦感到如同譯者所感覺的,一種深沈的痛。故事中露西被強暴的痛楚,種族間的暴力,為了求生存不得已委曲求全。年過半百的教授的無止盡的慾望,重複敗德的行為,讓我深感戚戚焉。已有幾分微醺的我,只想脫逃,或是沈默,作為一堵牆,和周圍隔開!書本,音樂,這不是美多了嘛?我已厭倦了上班平板,緊湊,無意義的一面。如同德勒茲所說,我必須創造逃逸路線(line of flight),不然我會悶死,我會發瘋!!

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被那巨大 熱情的烈焰所吞噬

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吃太飽 閒閒在網路上晃 也不知道看什麼好

那來寫些東西好了 部落格不是這樣的嗎?

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最近天氣多變化 學校學生 同事一個個感冒了

前兩天以為喝了太多檸檬汁 喉嚨怪怪的 今天發現喉痛聲啞 還真的是感冒了

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部落格停太久了 算算近三個月之久

我大概不是個嚴以律己的人 把生活的一切如忠僕般的紀錄

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Now I am monitoring the students taking the second monthly exam, and I am observing them again!  Watching them and writing these words.  A girl, with long, straight, central-parted hair, is gently touching her upper lips while pondering the questions.  Another girl, who has a nickname “baby,” looks serene while working on the papers.  Still, another girl, with her elbow rested on the desk, is writing on the exam paper earnestly.  This is a history exam, which is not very difficult, I guess.  Even I can work out the answers to some questions myself.  How do you know the exam is easy?  Some boys’ heads have rested on the desk for quite a while.  I guess they must be exhausted, after a day’s exam.  Luckily, the weekend is coming up, and there is no courses on this Saturday!  Good for students, and also myself.

Looking at the students’ faces, I wonder how heavy burden the study has brought to them, with their life loaded with so many exams and classes.  With such a tight schedule, how could they have time to browse the abundant books in the library?  How would they have time to breathe for a while, to expose themselves to another world unfolded by books, I mean, no textbooks.  “Muss es sein?” (Must it be so?) said so by Beethoven in his late life.  I hope the answer is not “Es muss sein!” (It must be so).

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想到自己過年前去檢查肝功能 不過因為看診要現場掛號 懶得花時間

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  • May 03 Thu 2007 20:37
  • 不解


到了門口 我媽走了進去 卻又走了出來 上了我爸的車 也揮手示意我上車

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剛開始心情還蠻愉快的 但在回程的路上我卻漸漸變的沈默

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戀愛是不覺之間 被愛神邱比特的箭所射中

於是 你便愛上某人 無時不想到對方

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  • Feb 15 Thu 2007 23:44
  • 朋友

今晚瀏覽電腦裡和朋友出去玩的照片 內心湧起一些感觸

有些過往很不錯的朋友 現在因為一些事情 不像以往那麼熱絡

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